—- About Us

Our History  —-

Our (belonging to us) Health (the general condition of a person in all aspects)

An idea became a reality when a group of individuals took the results of a community needs assessment for Winchester very seriously. Valley Health System (VHS) contracted with Premier, America’s leading health care consultant, to conduct a survey to define the area’s health needs. “Health” is a term that describes more than medical status. A focus group was formed to concentrate on roughly ten major issues. The goal of this group was to consider how the area could best be served in relation to these needs. Five issues were chosen and set the stage for a group to facilitate services to area non-profits and coordinate client care. The mission was to look behind or beyond the medical needs of the community and reach out to a community in a way never before attempted. Focusing on societal challenges, before healthcare solutions, was a model that was yet to be defined, at least in Virginia. The name of this group-Our Health-was meant to imply just that. Stemming from Valley Health, which focuses on medical well-being, Our Health was created to expand the opportunity for a community to be well.

Our Health collaborated via both public and private partnerships to create a community campus. Local, state and federal government representatives supported this idea on many levels. These unique partnerships helped create a co-location, currently for 16 agencies. Although these agencies share a GreenSpace on campus, they are still autonomous and act as stand-alone agencies. By connecting them in proximity, the goal is to encourage collaboration and coordination of client care. The campus provides those in need with many resources to achieve overall health. Our Health supports campus agencies, providing a reasonable, inclusive rate for office space. Partnerships through the Volunteer Action Center, grant writing, and training resources create a diverse network of services for non-profits. Many levels of support are offered to these agencies by sharing the skilled staff of Our Health. Our Health offers non-profit agencies guidance to improve their organizational structure and efficiency with an eye toward sustaining and enhancing the non-profit community. The original mission was to reach out to our community with a commitment to serve others. Our Health achieves this each day it is connected to area agencies.


Our Values 

We believe it is our responsibility to:

Serve the needs of our community partners with fairness and respect.

Ensure our actions adhere to high ethical standards, as set forth in the Our Health code of ethics.

Responsibly manage the resources of Our Health with fiscal accountability.

Value the diversity of our community and be sensitive to the needs of others.

Act resourcefully and adapt to a changing environment.

Interact cooperatively.

Support the total well-being of our community: the spiritual, emotional, mental, social and physical health.

Promote innovative approaches in all activities.

—— Kendall Community Campus

Dr. Robert G. Kendall, retired Neurosurgeon and Chief of Surgery for Winchester Medical Center, was instrumental in creating the vision of this project and ensuring the support of the local community. In 1997, the concept of a Community Campus was envisioned and, ultimately, constructed, renovated and dedicated in 2003! The original Phase I buildings are located at 301and 329 North Cameron Street. They are situated at the north and south ends of a property which features an open GreenSpace in between. It is open for use by the partner agencies and general public, with permission and sensitivity to the operations and mission of Our Health. In 2010, the original Snapp Foundry Building was dedicated as the second phase of the campus. Covering 10 and 24 Baker Street and 411 North Cameron Street, this unique renovation was a LEED certified project made possible through public and private partnerships. In 2021 the building was sold to the City of Winchester, but the campus agencies remained. In 2017 we opened the Patton Building at 419 North Cameron Street housing partners dedicated to improving client lives by teaching job placement and training skills, as part of the region’s Workforce Development program.

Today, the Kendall Community Campus is home to 16 co-located, health and human service partner agencies.  Campus agencies provide an increased benefit to clients by being in close proximity to each other.  This helps connect many needed services in one convenient location, which provides maximum convenience for persons with multiple needs and transportation issues such as the elderly, the disabled and families with children.

Daniel Rose

Volunteer Action Center Coordinator

Daniel Rose joined Our Health as the Volunteer Action Center Coordinator in 2012. Mr. Rose came to Our Health with a wealth of experience in volunteer leadership, public speaking, and marketing and public relations. In 2015 he was promoted to Director of Operations, managing all aspects of campus buildings and grounds work and supervising all maintenance and custodial staff members.

 His past experience includes 16 years in the construction industry including owning and operating Rose Construction, Inc., specializing in stucco, tile and stone work. He has his Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Theology with a minor in Counseling from the Nazarene Bible College, and served as an Associate and Lead Pastor while in Colorado. He has led many teams of volunteers during mission trips to several countries in Africa. On one mission trip in 2001, while employed with Global Samaritans, Dan led a crew of volunteers to build two orphanages, a school and a visitor’s center in Zambia. 

Rose and his family moved to Winchester in 2009 from Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Dan joined the non-profit organization RPJ Housing in 2009. In this position he worked with community leaders and City staff to help low income local residents obtain needed home repair assistance. He assessed safety and repair requirements primarily in homes of low income elderly who wished to remain in their homes. He was responsible for reviewing applications for program eligibility and networking in the community for volunteers and local businesses and corporations to provide construction materials and labor needed for each project.

Our Health is pleased to have Dan on our team and grateful for the extensive background he brings to our campus. 

Beth Loque

Finance Manager

Beth Louque graduated Magna Cum Laude with her BBA in Accounting from Georgia State University. After college, Beth worked for the Prudential Insurance Company of America. She specifically focused on their managed healthcare division as an accountant, financial analyst and business analyst. Before coming to Our Health Beth was busy raising her two children and actively volunteering at their school. Beth joined Our Health in August of 2010 as the Finance Manager.

Beth and her husband moved from Atlanta to Winchester after their oldest child was born in 1999 to be closer to family.  They love the area and enjoy being active in the community.  Beth enjoys spending time outdoors especially skiing at Bryce Resort during the winter season.

Mary Falu

Administrative Assistant and Office Manager

Mary joined Our Health in December 2008 as the Administrative Assistant and Office Manager. In December 2017 she took the position of Volunteer Action Center Coordinator while continuing as Office Manager.  Prior to her role with Our Health, she worked at DK Industrial Services as a Payroll Administrator and spent thirteen years with VDO in Human Resources. She served from 1979-1986 in the United States Army in the Military Intelligence Division and made Sergeant before leaving the military. Mary has many career achievements but holds proudly the Army Commendation Medal and the Army Achievement Medal.

She graduated Summa Cum Laude and was on the Presidents and Deans list while acquiring her Associates Degree in Administrative Support from Lord Fairfax Community College. She pursues ongoing education courses which interest her and has certificates in Graphic Design Office Assistant, Office Systems Assistant and Desktop Publishing Technician.

Mary was born in Silver City, NM but has lived most of her life in Capon Bridge, WV. She has two sons, a daughter-in-law and three grandsons who are the light of her life.  Family has always been very important to her and she feels blessed with a strong family that has supported her through life. She enjoys walking, going to the gym and traveling.
Our Health Moment:
“ I have been working with Our Health 12 years and feel a very strong connection with them. This is my first experience in the world of non-profits and I find it very rewarding to work for an agency that I believe in and feel is helping to improve the lives of others through the agencies that we support.”

Sharen Gromling

Executive Director

Sharen joined Our Health as the Executive Director in April 2010. As administrator, she is charged with the responsibility for implementing the policies and programs of Our Health.  Sharen worked for the City of Winchester for nearly 30 years, retiring as Director of Administration and Human Resources. She administered the human resources function for the City’s 500+ employees, grants, training and employee development, and marketing and public information.  

Sharen has a passion for training. Since 2009 she has been a trainer for Business and Industry at Lord Fairfax Community College Workforce Solutions.  She conducts trainings in Leadership, HR Management, Board Governance, Strategic Planning, Conflict Mediation, Ethics, Public Administration and Developing Effective Teams.

Sharen has both a bachelor and master’s degree of art, psychology from University of Richmond. In her career, she has acquired her Senior Professional Human Resources (SPHR) Certification, Conflict Mediation Certification through Shenandoah University and a HR Trainer certificate through Development Dimensions International.

Community involvement is also a passion for Sharen. She validates this through her various roles: Member and Past President of Winchester Rotary Club, Vice President of Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival, Past Board of Directors for Shenandoah University Center for Public Service and Scholarship and Virginia Youth Ballet, member and Past President of the Winchester Society of Human Resource Management and the International Personnel Management Association-Virginia Chapter.

Her commitment to the City of Winchester is clear with her many years of service. She had the opportunity to Co-Chair the City of Winchester’s All America City Team on its journey to achieve this national recognition.  This award is coveted by communities throughout the United States and the competition is fierce.  The application process requires the City to select three programs that have been implemented in the community that have made a positive difference in people’s lives.  One of those chosen was the Our Health story.  “As I learned of the success of this program I was amazed at its uniqueness and its important role in serving the needs of the region’s non-profits and public service agencies.  Through this I had the opportunity to meet and work with many people whose lives were changed for the better because of this collaborative model.  To serve on this team was one of the major highlights of my public service career.  Our team went on to win this coveted title thanks in large part to the Our Health story.  Little did I know at the time that five years later I would have the opportunity to serve as its Executive Director! Coincidence – I think not.”

Our Health Moment:
“I am excited to have the opportunity to serve as the Executive Director of Our Health, Inc.  This organization is dedicated to serving our many partners so that they can serve the needs of the community.  My passion in life is service and I am dedicated to living the Rotary Motto – Service above Self.  I have been fortunate in my life to have many opportunities to serve others through both my work and volunteerism.  This position in particular allows me to use my skill set to help others be able to better meet the needs of the clients they serve.  If Our Health can make it easier for our partners to do their work, then we have succeeded.  Our team of employees at Our Health is dedicated to make this happen and I am fortunate to be a part of this mission.  “

Lou Ling

Managing Director

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How My Success Started

Mary Neuschweinstein, CEO of EthicPower Ltd.

In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is common placeholder text used to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation, such as web pages, typography, and graphical layout. It is a form of "greeking".

Even though using "lorem ipsum" often arouses curiosity due to its resemblance to classical Latin, it is not intended to have meaning. Where text is visible in a document, people tend to focus on the textual content rather than upon overall presentation, so publishers use lorem ipsum when displaying a typeface or design in order to direct the focus to presentation. "Lorem ipsum" also approximates a typical distribution of letters in English. 

In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is common placeholder text used to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation, such as web pages, typography, and graphical layout. It is a form of "greeking".

Even though using "lorem ipsum" often arouses curiosity due to its resemblance to classical Latin, it is not intended to have meaning. Where text is visible in a document, people tend to focus on the textual content rather than upon overall presentation, so publishers use lorem ipsum when displaying a typeface or design in order to direct the focus to presentation. "Lorem ipsum" also approximates a typical distribution of letters in English.

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Integer maximus vitae metus id consequat. Quisque quis lorem vitae ante egestas eleifend et eget ante. Fusce hendrerit commodo felis. Nullam tempus lobortis ullamcorper.

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