—- Volunteer Action Center
Volunteer Needs
Our Health’s Volunteer Action Center (VAC) is the region’s non-profit volunteer resource hub, working with community non-profit and public service organizations to address volunteer needs. The Volunteer Action Center is a convener and a catalyst to action, as we connect, mobilize, engage, and support volunteers. The Volunteer Action Center also promotes the professional development of effective volunteer programs in partner organizations by providing resources and training opportunities and recognizes the efforts of community volunteers during National Volunteer Week. Our Center is a member of and certified through Points of Light and Hands on Network, an international non-profit organization dedicated to promoting volunteerism.
Volunteer Needs
Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum looking for volunteers leading up to and during September 4th – September8th, 2023. No skills are required but interested in a few people with some painting/construction knowledge. For more information contact Rory King, 540-722-2020 X115

Our Vision
Building a community of volunteers.
Our Mission
The Volunteer Action Center connects, mobilizes, engages, and supports volunteers to meet community needs.
We serve the community by:

Connecting people to volunteer opportunities within partner organizations.

Promoting and publicizing volunteerism throughout the community by highlighting volunteer opportunities, participating in volunteer outreach activities, and sharing information with the public about the importance of volunteerism.

Building the capacity for effective local volunteerism by sharing resources and providing training and networking opportunities.

General Information
- Established in 2004.
- Coordinates with partners to promote their individual services at community events.
- Offers training and educational opportunities through Volunteer Action Center and Our Health initiatives.
- Supports partner agencies through volunteer coordination.
- Serves as a resource for many types of volunteers: Community/Days of Service, Employee, Family, Youth, Service Learning, Senior Volunteers and Work Release.

To Volunteer click on the Icon below

Individual Volunteer

Group Volunteer

Community Service